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تحذير المخاطر: رأس مالك في خطر. إحصائيًا، يخسر 74-89% من العملاء استثماراتهم. استثمر في رأس المال الراغب في التعرض لمثل هذه المخاطر. >

Italian National Commission for Joint Stock Companies and Exchanges – CONSOB

2 وسطاء

The National Commission for Joint Stock Companies and Exchanges is the public body responsible for the regulation of the Italian securities market. The organization ensures the legality and transparency of financial services provided in the securities market and protects the interests of investors employed in the country’s financial sector.

Via Giovanni Battista
Martini, 3 – 00198 Rome
Phone: +39 06 84771

[email protected]

2الوسطاء الذين ينظمهمItalian National Commission for Joint Stock Companies and Exchanges – CONSOB