تحذير المخاطر: رأس مالك في خطر. إحصائيًا، 74-89% من العملاء يخسرون استثماراتهم. استثمر في رأس المال المستعد لكشف مثل هذه المخاطر.
Commission for Financial and Capital Markets of Latvia – FKTK
The Commission for Financial and Capital Markets of Latvia acts as the state regulator of the country’s securities market. The organization oversees the activities of national banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, pension funds and securities markets.
Kungu iela 1,
Rīga, LV 1050
Rīga, LV 1050
Phone: + (371) 6 7774800
Fax: + (371) 6 7225755
0الوسطاء الذين ينظمهمCommission for Financial and Capital Markets of Latvia – FKTK