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البلد المحدد حاليا
اختر دولة مختلفة
لغة شاهد المحتوى المترجم بلغتك.

تحذير المخاطر: رأس مالك في خطر. إحصائيًا، 74-89% من العملاء يخسرون استثماراتهم. استثمر في رأس المال المستعد لكشف مثل هذه المخاطر.

China Securities Regulatory Commission – CSRC

0 وسطاء

The main regulatory body of China was established to control the financial activities carried out on the stock and futures exchanges of the PRC. The organization has the following powers: creation of legislative acts and control over their observance, regulation of transactions related to securities, control of transactions carried out by financial service providers.

Focus Place 19,
Jin Rong Street,
West District Beijing 100033
Fax:  010-66210205

[email protected]

0الوسطاء الذين ينظمهمChina Securities Regulatory Commission – CSRC