风险警告: 您的资金面临风险。据统计,74-89% 的客户损失了投资。投资于愿意承担此类风险的资本。
National Bank of Romania – BNR
The National Bank of Romania is the central bank of Romania. NBR is an independent public institution, with its headquarters in Bucharest. Its primary objective is to ensure and maintain price stability. The National Bank of Romania supports the general economic policy of the Government without prejudice to its primary objective.
25 Lipscani Street, Bucharest 3, 030031 Romania
Phone: (+4) 021 313 04 10, (+4) 021 315 27 50
Fax: (+4) 021 312 38 31
0受以下机构监管的经纪商National Bank of Romania – BNR