风险警告: 您的资金面临风险。据统计,74-89% 的客户损失了投资。投资于愿意承担此类风险的资本。
Central Bank of Bahrain – CBB
The Central Bank of Bahrain is a legal entity responsible for conducting monetary policy in Bahrain and overseeing the stability of the country’s financial system. The Central Bank of Bahrain is the main regulator of Bahrain’s financial markets.
King Faisal Highway
Diplomatic Area
Block 317, Road 1702, Building 96
Kingdom of Bahrain
Diplomatic Area
Block 317, Road 1702, Building 96
Kingdom of Bahrain
Phone: +973 1754 7777
Fax: +973 1753 0399
0受以下机构监管的经纪商Central Bank of Bahrain – CBB