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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Forex Trading

Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword – it's a crucial skill that can make or break a forex trader's success. 

But what exactly does it mean? 

Well, in simple terms, emotional intelligence involves being able to identify and control our own emotions as well as those of others. Coined by researchers Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, and popularized by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence is a cognitive ability that is essential for:

  1. Effective interpersonal relationships,

  2. Self-awareness,

  3. Social awareness, 

  4. Empathy.

UpdatedApr 7, 2023
6 mins read

Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword – it's a crucial skill that can make or break a forex trader's success. 

But what exactly does it mean? 

Well, in simple terms, emotional intelligence involves being able to identify and control our own emotions as well as those of others. Coined by researchers Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, and popularized by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence is a cognitive ability that is essential for:

  1. Effective interpersonal relationships,

  2. Self-awareness,

  3. Social awareness, 

  4. Empathy.

Emotional intelligence in forex is particularly important. Think of it like a game of poker – it's not just about the cards you're dealt, but also about how you manage your emotions and read your opponents. 

In forex trading, emotions can run rampant, making it challenging to make the best trading decisions. Fear, greed, excitement, and frustration are just a few of the emotions that can cloud your judgment and lead to poor trading results. 

So, what do forex trading and emotional intelligence look like together? 

It means being able to recognize and assess your own emotions and manage them in a way that helps you achieve your trading goals. It means being able to read the emotions of the crowd and adjust your approach accordingly. 

The Building Blocks of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can be broken down into four essential skills:

  1. Self-awareness is the ability to understand one's character, feelings, desires, and motives. With self-awareness, traders can recognize their emotional states as they arise

  2. Self-management builds upon self-awareness by allowing traders to remain flexible and adapt their behavior to different situations.

  3. Social awareness is the third skill and is critical for traders who need to understand the emotions of others and the market environment. Traders with high social awareness can read the emotional signals of the market, such as sudden changes in sentiment, and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.

  4. Relationship management enables traders to interact successfully with others and navigate complex social situations. 

Let's look at how emotional intelligence can prevent the most common perceptual distortions in the market now that we've talked about how important it is for recognizing and managing our own emotions.

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Lack of Emotional intelligence Leads to Market Blindness

When a trader experiences an emotional state that they cannot recognize, it can distort their perception of the market, leading to taking poor trades.

In his book, "The Emotionally Intelligent Investor: How Self-awareness, Empathy, and Intuition Drive Performance," Ravee Mehta highlights the main perceptual distortions that traders may face. These include:

  • the urge to trade in an inactive market: You know the feeling – the market seems to be going nowhere, so you start looking for reasons to make a trade. But is it a wise move, or are you just succumbing to impatience?

  • the desire to go against a breakout: When the price breaks out of a range, it can be tempting to open a position in the opposite direction, justifying it with your analysis. But beware – this is a classic perceptual distortion that can lead to losses.

  • avoiding trades and risks in times of extremely low volatility: When the market is quiet, it's easy to fall into a state of complacency and miss out on opportunities. But with emotional intelligence, you can stay alert and ready to act when the time is right.

  • decreasing activity after a losing series: When you've experienced a string of losses, it's natural to feel discouraged and hesitant to trade.

  • and increasing activity after a profitable series: It's easy to get overconfident and take on more risk than you should.

It's crucial to understand that these behaviors have nothing to do with a lack of self-control or a desire to revenge trading. Rather, they stem from mental distortions caused by unchecked emotional states.

When emotions exceed the "pain threshold" and control a trader's behavior, they become blind to important events and details, leading to even more distorted perceptions of the market. 

Key Components of Emotional Intelligence in Forex Trading

Let's talk about self-trust and self-confidence – two crucial elements of emotional intelligence. 

See, traders who've got high emotional intelligence tend to believe in themselves and their abilities. This trust helps them take the right actions at the right time, without hesitating. 

But what happens when a trader lacks self-trust? 

They might hesitate to pull the trigger on a trade, miss out on opportunities, or even exit early – all because they don't believe in themselves. On the other hand, seasoned pro traders with emotional intelligence will trust their instincts, ride out profits, and cut their losses quickly. 


As any experienced trader knows the forex market can be unforgiving. One mistake can lead to significant losses, and it's all too easy to blame external factors when things go wrong. But what separates successful traders from those who struggle to make a profit? One word: accountability. 

Accountability is about taking responsibility for your actions, whether they lead to success or failure. And it's an essential component of emotional intelligence in trading forex. 

When traders lack emotional intelligence, they tend to blame external factors for their losses. They might blame the market, their forex broker, or even other traders. But the truth is that the only person who can control their trading decisions is themselves. Emotional intelligence enables traders to take ownership of their actions and be accountable for their decisions, even when they don't lead to the desired outcome. 

Of course, being accountable isn't always easy. It requires humility, honesty, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes.

Final Thoughts

The ability to increase emotional intelligence in forex is within everyone's reach. Developing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, self-trust, self-confidence, and accountability are all integral components of emotional intelligence that traders must cultivate.

By doing so, traders can navigate the volatile and unpredictable forex market with greater ease, adaptability, and resilience. 

Looking for a reliable and trustworthy forex broker to help you achieve your trading goals in 2023? We've compiled a list of the top brokers in the industry, so you can find the perfect match for your trading needs.

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