Упозорење о ризику: Ваш капитал је у опасности. Статистички гледано, само 11-25% трговаца остварује добит када тргује Форек и ЦФД. Преосталих 74-89% купаца губе инвестиције. Инвестирајте у капитал који је вољан изложити такве ризике.


Прва верзија верзије: 2005 године
Цена лиценце
(месец дана)
0 $
Пуна цена: 0 $
Веб сајт: http://www.barx.com/

Барк ФКС платформа пружа институционалним трговцима Барцлаис Банк проток од 24 сата у више од 80 валута и 480 валутних парова. Поред тога, корисници могу да искористе интегрисане пакете налога укључујући ПоверФилл и Барк Гатор. Барк ФКС је платформа нове генерације са прецизним ценама и брзином извршавања налога. Карактеристике платформе су конфигурисани прикази цена, калкулатори брзина, брзи панели и цитати.


Платформ сцреенсхотс
алл ревиевс
Негативе ревиев
I had worst experience with cryptofx few weeks ago. I purchased coin worth 150,000 USD but didn't reflect in my portfolio, I immediately contacted their customer service and they asked me to wait for 48hrs, after then I didn't receive coin in my portfolio. I was mad and had no choice but file a lawsuit against them through, Kate ( katedonaldson52@g mail. com ) .and I got my 150,000USD back after one week.
Fidelity loancompany
2022-11-28 в 12:47
Поситиве ревиев
I was scammed by a Forex trading website, LegacyFxx to be exact. I lost about $375,000 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that was all i had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that i will make profit from the investment.. I was referred to Mr Dylan, he’s  a senior recovery specialist and he helped in recovering all my lost funds to me. I couldn’t believe at first that this was possible as i have lost all hope in contacting anyone on the internet, but i guess not everyone is bad after all. You can reach them on Summitrecoup dot com
Jason Ramsdale
2022-01-07 в 20:36
Поситиве ревиев
Contact Coinwalletrecoup Dtcm to help recover all your scammed funds. They're the Best out there. Got all my funds recovered after weeks of getting in touch with them. You can also get help too.
Daniel Jansen
2021-11-27 в 20:13