Opozorilo o tveganju: Vaš kapital je v nevarnosti. Statistično gledano samo 11-25% trgovcev pridobiva dobiček pri trgovanju s Forexom in CFD-ji. Preostalih 74-89% kupcev izgubi svojo naložbo. Naložite v kapital, ki je pripravljen izpostaviti takšna tveganja.


Prva izdaja različice: 2000 leto
Cena licence
0 $
Popolna cena: 0 $
Spletna stran: http://www.actforex.com/

Platforma ActTrader je namenjena trgovanju na trgu Forex z različnimi finančnimi instrumenti. Podjetje ActForex Inc je med izdelavo te platforme uporabilo najnovejše in najbolj univerzalne tehnologije trgovanja. Platforma ActTrader zagotavlja najbolj učinkovit in zanesljiv vstop na trg Forexa, vključno s trgovino s pogodbami za razliko (CFD), s terminskimi pogodbami, valutnimi opcijami, terminskimi pogodbami (Forwards), indeksnimi skladi (ETF). Ta platforma omogoča uporabnikom sodelovanje na Forex trgu brez pomanjkljivosti terminala "prodajne mize". Gradbena orodja grafikonov in analitičnih orodij ActCharts so integrirana v platformo.


Slike zaslona platforme
vse ocene
Pozitivni pregled
The acttrader is a platform I only began to use recently because of my broker. It is not I excellent platform, no. The design for the iPhone UI that I have is simple and functional. And It does a very good job of meeting all of my needs as a trader. I like using the platform.
Delmar Robitaille
2023-06-06 в 08:16
Pozitivni pregled
ActTrader has proven to be an excellent platform in many regards. It delivers a remarkable performance across interface, functionality, ease of operation, system requirements, and reliability. Its easily navigable layout is friendly for users, and alongside its vast capabilities and trustworthy execution, make it the perfect option for traders who desire an effective trading platform.
Derik Boripat
2023-06-05 в 10:28
Pozitivni pregled
Mastering the ActTrader platform interface may require some initial effort, but with dedication and practice, it becomes easily navigable. At first, the abundance of features and tools might seem overwhelming, especially for new users or those transitioning from other platforms. While exploring and understanding all the features may take some time, the layout is well-organized, allowing users to find what they need with relative ease. The various sections, such as charting, order placement, and acc management, are logically arranged, facilitating efficient workflow once users become acquainted. Also, it offers customization options. Users can customize their workspace on the platform, which enhances their experience by aligning tools and charts with their trading style and workflow.
Josue Obregon
2023-06-02 в 21:55