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Amaran Risiko: Modal anda berisiko. Secara statistik, 74-89% pelanggan kehilangan pelaburan mereka. Melabur dalam modal yang sanggup mendedahkan risiko sedemikian.

Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia – CBR

2 Broker

The Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia replaced the Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia (FSCM). Engaged in ensuring control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating the misuse of insider information and market manipulation. In addition, it regulates, controls and supervises non-bank financial institutions. On March 3, 2014, the Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia was abolished and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation took its place.

119991, GSP-1,
Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 9.
Tel: (495) 935-87-90
Fax: (495) 935-87-91
[email protected]

2Broker dikawal olehFinancial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia – CBR