リスクの警告 あなたの資本が危険にさらされています。統計的には、顧客の 74 ~ 89% が投資を失います。そのようなリスクを許容する資本に投資してください。
State Commission for Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine – NSSMC
The State Commission for Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine is a regulatory body whose main tasks are:
– formation of a unified policy for the development and functioning of the securities market;
– implementation of state regulation of the securities market and derivative markets;
– protecting investors from illegal and fraudulent activities related to the securities market and derivative markets;
– improvement of Ukrainian legislation related to the securities market and derivative markets.
01010, м. Київ,
вул. Московська 8, корп. 30
вул. Московська 8, корп. 30
0によって規制されているブローカーState Commission for Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine – NSSMC