リスクの警告 あなたの資本が危険にさらされています。統計的には、顧客の 74 ~ 89% が投資を失います。そのようなリスクを許容する資本に投資してください。
US National Futures Association – NFA
The National Futures Association is one of the most respected regulatory organizations in the world. The association monitors the compliance of its members with all regulations and federal laws established by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The authority of the organization allows a full audit of a licensed brokerage company to be carried out without notifying it in advance. The NFA works closely with US law enforcement agencies.
300 S. Riverside Plaza, #1800
Chicago, IL 60606-6615
Chicago, IL 60606-6615
Тел: (312) 781-1300
Факс: (312) 781-1467
5によって規制されているブローカーUS National Futures Association – NFA