リスクの警告 あなたの資本が危険にさらされています。統計的には、顧客の 74 ~ 89% が投資を失います。そのようなリスクを許容する資本に投資してください。
National Bank of the Republic of Belarus – NB RB
The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NB RB) is the central bank of the Republic of Belarus, which performs the main controlling functions for a stable financial position of the country. Since the adoption of the law regulating the Forex market in 2016, the bank has maintained a register of forex companies that have been verified by the regulator and have the right to operate on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Independence Avenue 20,
Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 306-00-02
[email protected]
0によって規制されているブローカーNational Bank of the Republic of Belarus – NB RB