リスクの警告 あなたの資本が危険にさらされています。統計的には、顧客の 74 ~ 89% が投資を失います。そのようなリスクを許容する資本に投資してください。
Russian National Association of Forex Dealers – NAFD
NAFD – the National Association of Forex Dealers, until the beginning of 2016 was called CRFIN (Center for Regulation of OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies) is a self-regulatory organization that proclaimed its fundamental goal to popularize the Forex market among the population and make it a full-fledged element of Russian financial life. NAFD can act as an arbitrator in resolving disputes arising among its participants and their clients.
Российская Федерация, г. Москва,
Подсосенский переулок, д.23, стр. 4
Подсосенский переулок, д.23, стр. 4
Тел: +7 (499) 706-84-86
0によって規制されているブローカーRussian National Association of Forex Dealers – NAFD