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Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A tőkéje veszélyben van. Statisztikailag az ügyfelek 74-89%-a elveszíti befektetését. Fektessen be tőkébe, amely hajlandó ilyen kockázatokat kitenni.

Polish Financial Supervision Commission – PFSA

0 Brókerek

The Polish Financial Supervision Commission was founded on September 19, 2006 as a regulatory body that oversees the activities of insurance companies, financial institutions and pension funds. Since 2008, the organization has also assumed responsibility for the supervision of the banking sector. In addition to control and supervision activities, the organization is also engaged in educational and information activities and the preparation of legislative acts directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the capital market.

Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1
Тел: (+48 22) 262 50 00
Факс: (+ 48 22) 262 51 11

[email protected]

0 által szabályozott brókerek Polish Financial Supervision Commission – PFSA