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Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A tőkéje veszélyben van. Statisztikailag az ügyfelek 74-89%-a elveszíti befektetését. Fektessen be tőkébe, amely hajlandó ilyen kockázatokat kitenni.

Cyprus Securities and Investments Commission – CySEC

31 Brókerek

The Cyprus Securities and Investments Commission is the regulatory body responsible for ensuring that financial institutions and individuals comply with the laws of the country when dealing in securities. The Commission is engaged in regulatory activities, as well as the resolution of disputes related to the implementation of activities in the financial markets.

27 Diagorou Str.
CY-1097 Nicosia
Phone: +357 22506600
Fax: +357 22506700

[email protected]

31 által szabályozott brókerek Cyprus Securities and Investments Commission – CySEC