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Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A tőkéje veszélyben van. Statisztikailag az ügyfelek 74-89%-a elveszíti befektetését. Fektessen be tőkébe, amely hajlandó ilyen kockázatokat kitenni.

Central Bank of Qatar – QCB

0 Brókerek

The Central Bank of Qatar acts as a regulatory organization that ensures the transparency and legitimacy of the activities of financial organizations registered in the country. The Central Bank of Qatar conducts control and supervisory activities that guarantee the protection of the rights and interests of investors involved in financial activities related to the Qatari securities market.

P.O. Box No. 1234
Doha, Qatar
Тел: + (974) 4445-6456

[email protected]

0 által szabályozott brókerek Central Bank of Qatar – QCB