Category Archives: Forex Blog

The global currency market is worth trillions of dollars. In fact, according to the Triennial Central Bank Survey, in 2022, the global market reached a trading volume of a staggering $7.5 trillion. That's only increasing year on year, and is evident...

When you deposit real money into a Forex broker's account for trading purposes, you are putting your faith in their integrity. This is why one of the most frequently asked questions is: 'How to choose a Forex broker?'. After being in the Forex tradin...


Forex market traders use macroeconomic indicators in their work, that is, indicators of the state of the economy displayed in the economic calendar. And the state of the economy of any country directly affects the exchange rate of the national curren...

As globalization has increased dramatically in recent decades, businesses are increasingly dealing with suppliers and customers around the world. As a result, the foreign exchange market has also become more open, exposing companies to receivables an...

In 2024, the ruble and yuan may undergo significant changes. A Bank of Russia report showed the yuan's share of currency turnover on the Moscow Exchange at 46% in November 2023, while the share of the dollar and euro fell to 52%. Russian companies ar...

The Russian currency will face difficult challenges in the coming months. The end of the Central Bank's tight monetary policy, a decline in monetary exports and a possible change in Russia's political priorities after the presidential elections could...

The exchange rate of the Russian ruble against the dollar has stabilized, and in February 2024 it will consolidate around the level of 90 rubles per unit of American currency. This became possible as a result of the fact that the Russian economy reac...

You must learn how to trade the pivot points trading strategy the right way if you want to take full advantage of the power behind pivot points. Trading pivot points is the ultimate support and resistance strategy. It will eliminate the subjectivity ...

Bitcoin was created in 2009. It was the world's first cryptocurrency and remains the most popular and well-known.A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured and traded using cryptography, a system of complex algorithms or mathem...