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Upozornění na riziko: Váš kapitál je ohrožen. Statisticky 74–89 % zákazníků o své investice přijde. Investujte do kapitálu, který je ochoten vystavit se takovým rizikům.

Regulátoři podle země

Forex Regulators: Full List & Guide

Choosing from the many forex brokers on the market can be a hefty task. After all, there is no option that suits every single broker, so identifying personal needs is vital. However, one aspect that is crucially important to assess is regulation. 


Forex regulated brokers add an extra layer of protection and peace of mind. It means that in the event of a major issue, funds will be protected and not lost into the ether. However, forex regulators vary across the globe, and it’s important to understand their differences and protection levels. 


For that reason, I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to 2024’s main forex regulatory picture. In the end, understanding and choosing a broker will be a much easier task.

Broker Regulátoři v


Broker Regulátoři v


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