Risk Uyarısı: Sermayeniz risk altında. İstatistiksel olarak müşterilerin %74-89’u yatırımlarını kaybediyor. Bu tür riskleri açığa çıkarmaya istekli sermayeye yatırım yapın.
Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority – MNB
The Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority is the regulatory body that oversees banks, financial markets, insurance companies and pension organizations. The activities of the organization are based on the normative documents and legal acts of the European Union, as well as on national legislation. Since 2013, the HFSA management has become part of the bank.
H -1013 Budapest,
Krisztina krt.39.
Krisztina krt.39.
Phone: (36-1) 4899-100
Fax: (36-1) 4899-102
0Düzenleyen aracılar Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority – MNB