Risk Uyarısı: Sermayeniz risk altında. İstatistiksel olarak müşterilerin %74-89’u yatırımlarını kaybediyor. Bu tür riskleri açığa çıkarmaya istekli sermayeye yatırım yapın.
Financial Markets Authority of Morocco – AMMC
The Financial Markets Authority of Morocco is the regulatory body that enforces laws and regulations in the financial markets. The organization is authorized to investigate and impose sanctions within its powers in case of violations of the law in the financial markets of Morocco.
Annakhil Street, Hay Riad -Rabat, Morocco
Tél. : +212(05)37 68 89 00
Fax : +212(05)37 68 89 46
Email : [email protected]
0Düzenleyen aracılar Financial Markets Authority of Morocco – AMMC