위험 경고: 귀하의 자본이 위험에 처해 있습니다. 통계적으로 고객의 74~89%가 투자 손실을 입습니다. 그러한 위험을 기꺼이 노출할 수 있는 자본에 투자하세요.
Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority – FSMA
The Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority is the regulator of the Belgian financial sector and financial institutions. The main goal of the administration is to ensure the transparency and legitimacy of the financial activities carried out by companies registered in the country.
Rue du Congrès/Congresstraat 12-14
Tel: +32(0)2 220 52 11
Fax: +32(0)2 220 52 75
[email protected]