जोखिम चेतावनी: आपकी पूंजी जोखिम में है। सांख्यिकीय रूप से, 74-89% ग्राहक अपना निवेश खो देते हैं। ऐसी पूंजी में निवेश करें जो ऐसे जोखिमों को झेलने के लिए तैयार हो।
Brazilian Securities Commission – CVM
The Brazilian Securities Commission acts as an independent regulator of the securities market. The Commission oversees stock exchanges, state-owned companies, financial intermediaries and investors. The main goal of the organization is to protect investors and holders of securities from fraudulent and illegal actions.
Gerência de Orientação a Investidores 1
Rua Sete de Setembro,
111/5є andar – Centro
20050-901 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Rua Sete de Setembro,
111/5є andar – Centro
20050-901 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Тел: 55 21 3554-8383
Факс: 55 21 3554-8211
1द्वारा विनियमित ब्रोकरBrazilian Securities Commission – CVM