Risk Warning: Your capital is at risk. Statistically, only 11-25% of traders gain profit when trading Forex and CFDs. The remaining 74-89% of customers lose their investment. Invest in capital that is willing to expose such risks.
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Vladimir Lyahov

Quick profile

Full name: Vladimir Lyahov
Occupation: Senior Lecturer at VST
Company: Alpari
Experience: 12 years
Publications: 2


In 1980 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. In 1993, he took courses in securities at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (he has a qualification certificate of the 1st category, giving the right to work in the stock markets with individuals and legal entities). In 1995, he completed the course “Working with MTB futures.” He has extensive experience in finance: in the securities, stocks, futures, and Forex markets. In 1994-2001 worked in commercial banks and brokerage companies. Headed departments for working with securities, including GKOs. He held the position of leading analyst at KB Zerich. At Alpari since 2002. Specializes in studying methods of working in the Forex market using computer analysis. Author of “intensive” methods for intraday trading, trading plan strategies and building reference lines using magnetic points. Learning style: popular academicism. Currently engaged in scientific, pedagogical and consulting activities: conducts scientific research in the field of comprehensive analysis of the Forex market and advises investment companies and funds. Practitioner. Best trade deal: 900 pip pair EURUSD - 12/26/2004. Married. Hobbies: antique porcelain, music and Japanese lyric poetry.
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Positive review
Мое почтение данному лектору и огромная благодарность. Это ж сколько лет меня носило по просторам Интернета за информацией - платные курсы, ролики - столько всего пересмотрено , в итоге больше головной боли, чем каких-либо структурированных знаний. И, вдруг, чудо - заглянула в раздел "обучение" в Альпари. В изложении Ляхова Владимира все четко, без воды и по существу. Наивысший пилотаж преподавания. Еще раз мое почтение.
Оксана Гончарова
2018-04-27 в 15:20
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